The line up of speakers from the Isle of Lewis covering the question of Common Grazings at the Crofting Law Group Conference in Stornoway is:-
Calum Maclean – Upper Coll Common Grazings
Derek Scanlan – Crofter, Mangersta
Donald MacSween – Crofter, Ness
Donald MacKinnon – Young Crofter, Scottish Crofting Federation
Iain Maciver – Factor, Stornoway Trust
Each of them will give their views on common grazings and regulations etc. What are the issues/problems as they see them and what do they think could be done practically and/or through new legislation to improve matters.
They will then be involved in a panel Q&A session with Brian Inkster (Solicitor, Inksters), Janette Sutherland (Scottish Agricultural College) and David Findlay (Solicitor, Crofting Commission) who will all be providing their own presentations on issues surrounding common grazings.